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The New England Chapter of CoreNet Global

CoreNet Global’s Transformative Storytelling through Compelling Videos

CoreNet Global’s Transformative Storytelling through Compelling Videos

The Opportunity

The New England Chapter of CoreNet Global comprises over 600 top professionals in corporate real estate, connecting professionals, end users, and service providers. Belfort Group (BG) was hired to produce narrative-driven videos showcasing the organization’s pillars – Connect, Learn, Grow, and Belong. The primary video debuted at a gala event, while a secondary video documented professionals in the CoreNet Leadership 2.0 professional development program.

The Strategy

BG developed a creative strategy to visually showcase the evolution of Boston’s commercial real estate landscape. The video seamlessly transitioned historical images into the city’s modern corporate skyline and vibrant urban areas, symbolizing progress and growth. It featured a dynamic montage of member photos from various locations, each segment highlighting one of CoreNet’s pillars. Testimonials from diverse generations of members added authenticity and depth. Simultaneously, the Leadership 2.0 video portrayed the personal and professional growth stories of three program participants. It emphasized the transformative impact of the program on their lives and careers.

The Results

The videos received widespread acclaim from all levels of CoreNet Global’s membership. CoreNet successfully integrated them into the organization’s website and various marketing campaigns, effectively conveying CoreNet’s mission and values to a broader audience.

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